Indoor air quality is something that more and more people are starting to think about and pay attention to today. If you want to make sure that the quality of the air in your home is as good and positive as it can be, you need to start by understanding what causes poor air quality in the first place. Here are some of the things that most commonly impact air quality in your home in a negative way.
Unclean Rugs and Carpets
A lot of dirt and bacteria can build up in the rugs and carpets throughout your home if you’re not careful, and that’s something you should try to pay close attention to. That bacteria not only impacts your carpets and floors but also the air in the room as well. So if you want to make the air cleaner, you need to make sure that your carpets and rugs are thoroughly cleaned too.
Dirty Air Filters
Any and all air filters in your home should be cleaned regularly. These are the places where dust and particles tend to build up most. And if they’re not clean, that dust will be carried through the air in your home, impacting the overall air quality in your indoor spaces and your health as well. So don’t let the dirt build up on those air filters if you can help it.
Condensation and Moisture
Condensation and moisture in the air will eventually lead to mold in your home, and you don’t want to be dealing with that. Mold spores can be very damaging to your health and will definitely be a net negative on the home’s air quality in the home. If you have too much moisture in your air, think about investing in a dehumidifier that you can use.
Your Furnace
If you have a furnace in your home that heats the space, it needs to function properly and it needs to operate efficiently. If it’s not doing those things and the performance is suffering, it might also be letting fumes and other nasty things into the air, and that’s not what you want. So call a furnace repair team and get yours assessed if you have any concerns.
Poor Ventilation
Poor ventilation will lead to poor quality air filling your home and not being replaced by fresh air from the outdoors. So take a look at your home’s ventilation system and think about whether there are any ways in which it can be improved and upgraded moving forward. Speak to a specialist if the home is old or you don’t know how to assess or improve ventilation systems. They’ll be able to help you a lot.
The things discussed above are the things you should focus on remedying and changing if you want to make sure that the air quality inside your home is as strong as it can be. By changing just a few things and fixing the sources of bad air quality, you can make a really positive difference.
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