This week has been rough. I wanted to have my review of week 7 up yesterday, but I have still been so sick with head pressure and earache. I have officially been to 2 doctors and even called my old family doctor from back home and no one seems to know what is going on. However, today I am actually starting to be able to function without dying. It has been really hard to focus on writing, researching and reading, so you may or may have not noticed that I haven’t had very many posts up like I usually do in a week. So, trying to feel better, doing a lot of resting. As far as my weight watchers, I can’t say it has been too bad since I have only really been eating soup, eggs and toast. I think some of the medication I have been on has suppressed my appetite. That is the good part. I haven’t really been tracking like I usually do, but I also have not been eating normally. Even so, I am happy to report that I am down .08 for the week. Almost a whole pound! I had been putting off weighing myself because I have been so cold in the mornings, that I don’t want to take my clothes off to weigh. Yes, even in Phoenix we get cold. After five years it is hard to believe that we can get down to the 20s and 30s at night.
So, I didn’t take very many pictures of my week, I really was in bed a lot. This weekend I am going home to my hometown for Christmas. I am excited and just a little worried about falling of f of the WW wagon. I have a few dinners and drinks planned, so I hope I don’t let temptation of all of my fave restaurants get the best of me. The good news is that my Mom decided to join WW once she heard all of the great new things about it. She does the meetings and I still just do online. I know that WW is coming out with their 2012 program, so I need to find out how to get all the new literature. I am glad that my Mom decided to join, especially before the holiday, so now we can help each other figure out points and plan better meals. It is always nice to have a buddy. We might even try to do some recipes from my Points Plus Weight Watchers book, just don’t tell my husband!
I am hoping that I am on my way to recovery, and I will be posting regularly this coming week, I am also excited to try some recipes and let you know about them. I will be with my family for 2 weeks and my goal is to not gain anything, or even better maybe lose a pound each week. That would be awesome!
These freakin things have been the death of me. I was eating too many of them before I got sick. They are 2 points each, but I can never just have one. I love them and I justify that they only come around once a year.
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