It happens to us all sooner or later. Even if we’re mostly free from the signs of aging throughout our bodies, there will be some part of us that opens up a weakness. It might be as simple as a single part of our body or skin that starts to line or droop first. However, while that might be worrying, it’s also a lot easier to fix when you’ve got a single target in your sights.
Here, we’re going to look at some of the most common first signs of aging, what causes them to appear, and what you can do about them.
Crows feet
As well as other forms of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, crow’s feet typically form first around our peepers because of how much we move them. Wrinkles are often separated into two different categories known as lines of rest and lines of activity. Crows feet, alongside smile lines, are considered signs of activity and happen in part because the constant movement of the muscles behind the skin stretches out the connective tissue until it hangs loose. One of the most popular ways to allow this connective tissue to regenerate, leading to firmer skin, is to use Botox shots to temporarily paralyze those muscles that tug on the tissue in the first place.
Crepey hands
There are certain parts of the body where it feels like the skin starts to get stretched a little thin, feeling a little more like paper than it once did, as well as becoming loose. This is traditionally known as crepey skin and the parts of the body that it typically affects most is the hands and the neck. This usually happens as a result of sun damage which breaks down the fibers within the skin that typically allow it to stretch and return to its regular condition. These fibers can be healed, however, and it’s worth looking up some crepe correcting cream reviews. Of course, it’s also worth better protecting your skin from the damaging effects of the sun in the future, too.
Turkey neck
Once again, sun damage is a major culprit when it comes to the lines and looseness that starts to appear prominently around the neck for a lot of people. The skin of the neck tends to get lax, in large part due to the wearing of the same elastin that causes that crepey appearance. This combination of lower volume in the skin and laxity can lead to the skin becoming a lot looser indeed. Aside from topical creams (which work just as well on the neck as they do on the hands), there are also treatments like ultherapy that might be worth considering. Effectively, ultrasound waves can be used by a dermatologist to tighten up the skin of the neck, helping to restore it.
Duller skin
It’s not just the consistency and the firmness of the skin that can change over time. In fact, before these changes become apparent, you might notice that your skin is looking a little duller than it does before. The top layer of skin can start to become more easily clogged and covered by dead skin cells. Not only does this make it look duller, but it can also make it feel drier and flakier. Regular use of exfoliating products, especially use those that use ingredients such as glycolic acid, can help to clear away this dullness, revealing the more youthful and vibrant skin beneath. It should be noted that exfoliants can be a little irritating on sensitive skin, so treatments like microdermabrasion from your dermatologist might be a better option.
Saggy joints
They might not be the most visible parts of the body throughout the day, but it’s not uncommon to start feeling a little self-conscious about wearing skirts, shorts, or short-sleeved t-shirts if the skin on your knees and elbows is starting to sag a little more than the rest of you. They can stand out a lot on otherwise firm looking limbs, after all. Because you don’t have as much soft tissue around these parts of your body, dry and wrinkled skin simply appears much more prominently here. The best way to fight it is to use things like urea and salicylic acid in your exfoliators, as well as a strong moisturizer using natural ingredients.
Don’t panic if you’re starting to see some of the first signs of aging. Make sure you’re choosing the right method to target them with the tips above, first and foremost.
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