I was watching t.v the other day and this chick was drinking her red wine with a straw. The dreaded purple mouth was what she was afraid of. She looked like total a moron, but I have to admit, I completely empathized. Too many times has red stains covered my lips, mouth, and teeth and usually during the most inappropriate, and embarrassing times. I love red wine. It is definitely my drink of choice but I when I have been out in more social situations, like first impressions, or dinner parties, I opt for a different drink, or even white wine, for sure a far second. These wine wipes are suppose to take off any red off of your teeth just by wiping them. What I find truly genius is the little compact comes with a mirror so you can see your handy work. Experts say if you brush your teeth after drinking red wine it hurts your teeth because the high acidity of the wine contributes to teeth abrasion. You can fins these wipes on Amazon.com Wine Wipes
The expert that recommended Wine Wipes over brushing teeth is Dr. Oz. And you can buy these on WineWipes.com!
Thanks Alison! I could not for the life of me remember where I saw these little teeth cleaners!