I have been blogging for 5 years, and I have been a professional blogger for about 3 years. I have been making over $60,000 per year for the last three years. I couldn’t be happier that I get to do what I love and have it be my career and that I get to make more money doing what I’m doing than if I went back into the 9-5 job that I had for years and years.
I took this course, and the information that is included is everything that I used to be able to make blogging my career. In fact, I actually added some tips to this e-course that I have used over the years to become successful. Two successful bloggers have put together all their tips and secrets to success into this e-course.
If you have ever thought about starting a blog, or you have a blog and feel as though you’re not getting anywhere, or wish you knew how to increase your traffic, this is the e-course for you! There is an introductory price right now for $97, but next week it is going up to $147. Believe me, if you wanted a mentor for blogging, this is it. It is everything I wish I knew when I first started blogging 5 years ago.
Sign up for the e-course here.
Here is what Erica, the author of this e-course has to say about her course. Feel free to ask me any questions.
Have you ever been stuck in a job that you hated so much it made you physically sick just thinking about it?
I’ve been there.
I worked for almost 10 years teaching Psychology courses at a University in Florida, which I loved, but had to supplement my income with a desk job which slowly ate away at me. I’d sit at the desk, day in and day out, and dream of walking out and finding a job that gave me fulfillment and flexibility to live the life I wanted to.
When I started my blog four years ago I had no idea it would be the vehicle to the life of my dreams. It started off as a way to gain in person clients for a local personal training business I was starting. After a few months of blogging I started to work with brands and get paid for reviewing health and fitness gear. I was in heaven! Soon I was making enough to quit my soul sucking desk job and it was one of the best days of my life.
As a college instructor I love learning, and I love teaching. I’ve spend hundreds of hours over the last four years learning everything I can about making money from blogging. It has paid off as I’m now on track to make $60,000 from my blog this year (and that’s not including the thousands in free products and travel I receive.)
Part of what drives me is helping others achieve their goals. I run online boot camps helping women get in the best shape of their lives and am overjoyed when I get emails from clients telling me their lives are forever changed. Now, my goal is to help as many women as possible figure out how to earn significant income working at home as a blogger. As a new Mom and Army wife I cannot begin to explain how grateful I am to have a job that I can work at no matter where the Army moves us.
In this course I will cover everything from how to start a blog, to growing your social media channels, starting a mailing list (and getting people to sign up) and how to find sponsored posts. You can see the entire course curriculum on the course page. Be sure to check out the testimonials of a few of the bloggers who’ve already taken the course. It makes my heart so happy to see people so satisfied!
Who is this course for?
- Bloggers making less than $1,000 a month.
- Bloggers willing to put in at least 10 hours a week on their blog.
- Bloggers who are motivated to use their blog to make significant income.
Who is not right for this course?
Bloggers who don’t want to put in the work and expect their blogs to just magically become popular. Good luck with that!
While I made good money off my blog the last few years my income started to skyrocket this year when I started to invest more money back into my blog. Investing in this course will pay off in so many ways (literally and figuratively.) By investing money into your blog you are telling yourself this is a legitimate business and it’s time to take it seriously. If you implement the tips and tricks I outline in the course than you will start making money off of your blog. Will it be overnight? Probably not (but let me know if that happens!) If you put in the work and stay consistent it will happen. I’m so confident about it there’s a money back guarantee on the course (just read the FAQ at the bottom of the course page!)
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