I have worked since the day after I turned 16. I would have worked since I was 15, but I didn’t get hired at the two fast food places I knew that would hire kids at 15 (luckily.)
Once I knew I could get hired at 16, I ended up working two jobs while going to highschool because I loved the idea of having a job, making my own money and having the independence to buy my own car. It was all about integrity to me and proving that I could take care of business, so-to-speak.
I grew up with a single mom who had to work to take care of my brother and myself. Seeing her work as hard as she did to make ends meet, made me want to also have that work ethic and have the experience to take care of myself and learn independence.
I think we have all been there. Taking the job that may not have been our first choice, or stayed at a job longer than we wanted. Sometimes we just have to, and it is nice to see other people’s perspective on an area we may not be familiar with, but still have an understanding.
I recently came across a new web series called 1 in one hundred million. It is a series that is devoted to recognizing individuals and their all too often unrecognized jobs in which we all rely on. They are focusing on celebrating those special people and the hard work they dedicate their lives to that reflect their character, commitment and passion of the work force.
This web series is made up of 16 videos of stories of everyday people and their work stories. They feature workers and it varies from a nurse, a firefighter, electrician, restaurant server and more.
This month the 1 in one hundred million series is featuring Jennifer Miller. She is a Retail Sales Associate at MJ Christensen Diamonds. Jennifer is proud of her job and loves being a part of her client’s intimate moments like wedding engagements, anniversaries, birthdays and other happy celebrations. This ties into her love of being a humanitarian and world traveler.
Last year, Jennifer worked as a volunteer in Uganda with the BeadforLife program. Their mission is to create opportunities for women to help lift their families out of poverty by making and selling handmade, recycled jewelry in the US and North America which also helps to raise awareness to finally eradicate extreme poverty.
Jennifer feels that working with this program and her knowledge of jewelry and skills help to serve a bigger purpose.
You can see her video and others with their series of people in the workforce and their stores. http://www.1in100million.com/
This is a sponsored post from Kronos. All opinions are my own.
Jennifer sounds like an amazing woman. Good for her for doing so well.
What a wonderful program!
That’s really admirable and amazing. I like the discipline that you have developed for yourself. It’s rewarding to be able to earn on your own, knowing that it’s from all your hard work. That’s such a lovely program. Thanks for sharing it!
WOW, just WOW that jewelry is just gorgeous! I would love to have some of that jewelry! I will be checking to see what is on sale.
Wow! Never heard of this program until now. Kudos to this woman.
This is amazing. I admire this so much.
The BeadforLife Program sounds amazing! I love it when people partner with organizations to help others around the world. It really is inspiring.
I love the idea of this! What a great way to recognize people and also bring awareness to other causes.
This is amazing! Her jewelry is so gorgeous too, working hard is so important to start even at a young age!
The jewelry looks amazing. I’d wear stuff like that. I think the BeadForLife program sounds amazing. I love that it helps families get out of poverty. What an amazing volunteer organization.
I’ve never heard of the BeadforLife program. This sounds like a great program, and I love this 1 in 100 million program recognizing people.
This program is very awesome! Those jewelry are gorgeous.
Kudos to her mom for raising her and her brother and showing them the benefit of hard work and responsibility. I admire Jennifer Miller for her good heart. She is an inspiration to many.
There really is some amazing people around us that do get no recognition. I love this campaign and the faces and voices it is brining forth
Oooo beadForLife sounds like an incredible program!!! I will have to look into it some more
I’m sure there are tons of unrecognized jobs we don’t realized we rely on. The video series sounds inspiring.
This is the first time that I heard this program and it’s really good.
This is a great program and the jewelry was look beautiful
This sounds like a great program to help those who need it! I love the jewelry that she makes! Thanks for sharing this.