Spending time with your significant other needs to break the bank. Or, if you are single, it is sometimes nice to take the reigns and come up with a date that will surprise him and let the guy off the hook of having to decide. You don’t need to take your man out and spend a ton of money. I love a good day date. I think they are so romantic, and I always have such a good time spending a nice day with my husband. Now that summer is almost here, it makes it possible to do fun activities outside.
Movie day or night marathon. Each choose a movie for the theme of the night, example; favorite 80’s movie, best cheesy movie, classic black and white, stand-up comedy, etc. Pop of bag of popcorn and enjoy your favorite soda and candy from the dollar store. Laying down a blanket is a good excuse to cuddle.
Wine tasting in the park. Trader Joe’s, Fresh and Easy, Bevmo, and Total Wine have delicious wine for $2.99 each. Slice some apples, loaf of French bread and cheese spread (you can find for $1.99-3.99.) Throw in a basket with a blanket and some cups, and a you have a great afternoon. Total cost, under $10. If you are not drinking wine, you can get a delicious sparkling cider for about $2-$3.
Garage sale, flea Market or thrift store hopping. This one can be tough to convince you man, but it really can be a fun activity. Make it into a game or a contest. Whoever can find the most interesting, unique or funny item for under $5 or $10. Loser has to plan the next date.
Make dinner together. A good choice is homemade pizza. Make it more interesting by going to the store together and pick out toppings. You can usually find pre-prepared dough. Another good option is homemade tacos. Bring ingredients home and make together. Light some candles and a bottle of inexpensive wine. Romantic, fun and inexpensive.
Games. Check out the dollar store for some great games. Use candy for markers. If you want to make it interesting you can turn it into a drinking game with a cheap six pack of beer. A great game for new couples or couples that have been together forever is 20 questions. You might be surprised what your man had for an answer.
Picture time. Go downtown or another interesting part of your city and bring your camera. See who can take the most interesting photo. We all love to people watch and you would be surprised what kind of weird things you can take a picture of and laugh about.
Reverse date. Meet, or go out for breakfast or brunch. It doesn’t have to be fancy. Denny’s has meals starting at $2. Then head to a movie matinée where tickets are much cheaper.
Coffee date. Go to a coffee house and just grab a cup of coffee and sit and have a nice talk together. During the afternoon when the weather is nice makes it very romantic.
Bike ride. Rent or take your bikes for a ride through the park or city. Pack a few sandwiches, or just take a break at a food stand or truck for some lunch.
Work out. Get a free 2 week pass at a gym and spend some time together in a spin class, or just doing cardio. You can also spot each other for the free weights. Take advantage of the pool and hot tub together to relax after sweating together.
Do you have any other cheap date ideas that you and your man do?
Great ideas!!