With summer around the corner, I know you must be eager to get those dresses out of the closet. Summers are all about shorts, crop tops, bikinis, and all of that. But, to rock these hot outfits, you need to get your body ready. You might have managed to camouflage those bulges in winter with layers of clothing, but it is difficult to do so in summer. Get your confidence on point with these exercises that will tone up those muscles in no time. But, before you begin exercising, you need to prepare your body by doing a few things.
Warm Up For A Sure-Fire Workout
It’s time to tone your body and hit the streets! Get in shape with just a few simple workout routines. But first, you need to follow the appropriate diet (avoid these 4 diet mistakes) required for this regime.
Switch to veggies and delete junk food from your diet. You can also have dry fruits and milk for breakfast to cut down on the calories.
You can even follow a detox routine with a fruit/vegetable juice diet (do this instead) for a few days to cleanse your system and prepare it for a workout.
Start your warm up with short exercises and cardio and then move on to a more continuous routine. Exercise has no time restrictions; it’s all about your personal time slots and how you can effectively workout in the given time. Once you are all set, you can get started with these ten workouts that can help speed up the process.
#1 Cardio All The Way!
Cardio is very effective if you want to lose a couple of pounds quickly. But, as simple as it may seem, it is quite stressful for your body. You can start by running a few miles each day and slowly move on to longer distances. To take it to the next level, you can cycle or swim to tone your body more efficiently.
Note: As a beginner, you can take longer cardio sessions with dedicating 2-3 hours a day. And later once you start strength workout you can reduce it to 1-2 hours a day for cardio along with muscle train.
#2 Push-Ups
Push-ups are the best way to go if you want to tone your upper arms and shoulders. In the beginning, you can use your knees for support while doing a push-up. But once you get the hang of it, you can go all out. It also helps tone your chest muscles.
Note: For push-ups, you can slowly increase the count based on your capability, starting from 10 each day to 50 each day or more.
#3 Bench Press
Bench press is the perfect exercise to tone your breast muscles. If you have saggy breasts, this exercise will help in perking them up. It also works on strengthening and toning your arms.
Note: For a beginner, you can start with 2-3 sets of 5 reps each and later go on to 3 sets of 10 reps each once you get the hang of it.
#4 Short Lunges
It is important to give equal attention to your lower body. Lunges will help tone your legs, from the calf muscles to the thighs, and also firm your hips. For a proper stretch, follow the 90-degree rule and use weights for extra pressure.
Note: Experts or fitness enthusiasts work on an average of 70 lunges a day. But you can begin with 10-15 a day and gradually increase with time.
#5 Tricep Kickback
Thanks to the humidity in summer, you might prefer going sleeveless most of the time. But with that saggy arm flab, you might hesitate to wear a sleeveless top. Don’t worry, you can tighten your arms with the tricep kickback along with dumbbells. This workout works on your triceps and tones the muscles.
Note: A combination of 4 sets of twelve reps is ideal to get those perfect arms. Dedicate around 30 to 45 minutes a day for tricep and bicep workout to get toned arms.
#6 Decline Sit-Ups
Everybody loves to flaunt their abs, and now, you can too! With this simple workout, you can tone your stomach and work towards getting those gorgeous abs. You can wear all the crop tops you want and look absolutely stunning. Decline sit-ups focus mainly on your abs, and with regular practice, you can see quick results.
Note: When it comes to Sit-ups, the more the angle, the harder the sit-ups will be. So begin with 4 sets of 10 reps each and slowly work your way up to 2 sets of 20 reps each.
#7 Dumbbell Curl
Muscular women are trending – and how! The biceps are one of the most appealing muscles in the body. The dumbbell curl works on building those biceps and also shapes the shoulders. It builds strength in your arms and tones your upper arms.
Note: While doing the dumbbell curl, aim for 10-15 reps of a single set and gradually move on to 20 reps and add in extra sets. Once you grab hold of it, you can even add additional weights.
#8 Squats
Everyone wants to have perfectly shaped hips. Squats are the most preferred workouts of all time. They not only help to build your hip muscles but also tone them. If you do squats regularly, you can confidently flaunt your butt and rock any outfit.
Note: For squats, you can go ahead with 20 reps in one set and gradually increase. Multiple sets work best for squats with a straight 15-minute dedication for only squats.
#9 Pull-Ups
Pull-ups can be challenging to do, but they work wonders when it comes to your lat muscles. When you want to wear that hot backless top, you will not think twice. You can tone your back muscles and strengthen your core and arms.
Note: Pull-ups are hard to do. For a beginner, achieving even 5 pull-ups can be a task. But do not worry, gradually when you gain strength in your core and arms, you will be able to manage 10+ reps a day.
#10 The Plank
The plank is another favorite workout that works wonders. It tones your abs and also burns belly fat. It not only works on your abs but also firms your legs, shoulders, and back. It is the perfect end to this list to give you a sculpted body.
Note: Once you get into a regular workout schedule you should be able to manage a 2-minute plank. But if it is too much you can divide it into sets of 30 seconds to 1 minute and so on.
The weather is getting hotter by the day. There is just enough time to grab your workout gear and get busy. With the right routine, you can soon flaunt your body in those summer tanks. The best part is these workouts don’t take much time. You can simply squeeze in a short workout session every day and continue with your regular day-to-day routine. A workout is all about gradually improving so you can begin with short time slots a day like an hour to longer periods that accommodate your schedule. If you follow these workouts on a regular basis, you can expect to see results within a month or two. So, hurry and get on to it!
Author Bio: Nisha
Nisha has a great passion towards writing and loves the idea of sharing. She has written many articles on yoga, fitness, wellness, remedies and beauty. She keeps reading articles on different blogs that gives a kick to her passion and provides her with different ideas. She is growing day by day and mastering herself in writing appealing articles. She is a regular contributor to StyleCraze.com & Other few websites too.
sita says
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