We all do it, committing sins towards our face. Sometimes it seems as though it can’t be helped, especially when you have a zit that you don’t want to be seen in public with. Here are 5 bad habits that dermatologists agree are the worst and need to be stopped asap!
Over washing – If you overwash because you feel that your face is oily you might try to wash it multiple times a day, but it in turn will just create more oil to compensate. Only wash a maximum 2 times a day. Once in the morning and once at night.
Picking – You do a lot more damage to your face by picking and squeezing your pimple. If you pick or push, the bacteria does come to the top, but it also goes the opposite way too and goes back down into your skin. Then you will see in a couple of days a few friends have emerged around the original pimple. Best thing, leave it alone! I know, this one is rough. If you get a facial or go to a face extractor they know what they are doing and use sterilized tools. So see a professional if possible if you have to.
Doing DIY home peels. It can cause inflammation and you may be too aggresive with what you try or how you work it. You want to have a professional do it. Someone that uses natural ingredients like licorice root or Arbutin, that will lift the pigment slowly over time. If you have brown spots, you can make them worse with the home peel if you use them too aggresivly.
Not wearing SUNSCREEN! Try out some creams that don’t feel too thick or too thin. There are a lot more sunscreens that have come on the market that are elegant and will not feel like you are slathering your face with the old sunscreen. Make sure that it is at least spf 30, and uva protection with a moisturizer.
Tanning beds. Does anyone use the tanning bed anymore? They are a time machine. You go in and you come out looking older, not healthier. It breaks down the collagen and creates pre-mature wrinkles. Two words; Spray tan! Or face tanner if you feel you need that glow.
Even a good bronzer can do the trick.
So now that you know that you need to stop these bad habits, here is how you can Prevent and Banish Acne for Good.
Bravoe Runway says
oooo do i have the picking problem! I STILL get acne at 30 hence the picking…I need to stop doing that!
Dr. Reginia says
Good information.
However, I do at home peels. They are a God send for me.
charity for kids says
Skin is very upper part of our body so it needs more care from us.I am totally agree with your worst skin care habit.We should avoid it.
Chloe says
There are a few things I regret about the 80s but none as much as the time I spent in tanning beds. I’m sitting here right this second with a weird bump on my face terrified it’s skin cancer (I have a referral to a specialist because my GP thinks it might be skin cancer too!).
I know you think when you’re young that you’ll never be old or wrinkled or even get skin cancer, but please listen ladies and stay away!
Anonymous says
I loved tanning in tanning beds until I got skin cancer. They caught it in time and I have an ugly scar to prove it. I agree, STAY AWAY FROM TANNING BEDS!!!
citystylecountrysmile says
totally agree about tanning! i dont get why ANYONE would continue using them after they’ve been PROVEN to cause skin cancer. its crazy!
Anonymous says
I agree you should stay out of tanning beds. However the sun is just as damaging to your face and décolleté ! Please use sunscreen in those areas at all times. We still need the healthy vitamin d from the sun, but we will get enough on arms and legs. If we can’t appeal to you twenty something’s with the threat of skin cancer, how about spending thousands trying to remove all the age spots and lines when you are in your thirties and forties. The damage you are doing now won’t show up for a decade. That decade later is going to be expensive and not fun. Save your face!!!
Anonymous says
For those of you who are against tanning, how often do you eat McDonalds or Burger King? How often do you drink or smoke? Have you not heard of the carcinogenic properties of some sun screens? There are worse things in the world than tanning.
Anonymous says
Amen!!! I sooo agree.
Anonymous says
Of course there are worse things, but does that make it ok? No.
Anonymous says
Uv exposure is a great source of vitamin d. More ppl are vitamin d deficient than that have skin cancer. Exposure in moderation is key.
Anonymous says
Eveything is fine in moderation, except tanning…. That’s just not a good idea ….
Anonymous says
My teens don’t eat fast food, and they don’t tan. They don’t spray tan either. They contain chemicals that interact with your skin that I’m just not sure of. I have one daughter who is participating in the Miss Alabama system. When she was asked in an interview why she chose to not tan she answered she is of Irish and English decent. She is fair skinned. Tanning in any form is not safe. She should be accepted for her skin color just as the African American contestants are accepted for their color. Amazing answer!
Anonymous says
Spray tan solutions are all different depending on the boothe. All versa spa spray tanning booths have a sugar based solution. No harm done for the skin.
Anonymous says
That’s not the point. She doesn’t want to be tan. I personally like being fair skinned and don’t tan or use lotions. I also am of British descent and don’t buy into “tan is pretty”. What happens when being tan is no longer “in” and everyone looks 20 years older than they are?
Anonymous says
when I was a kid, we thought nothing of being outside and getting “brown as berries” in the summer. as teens in the 70s, you were “weird” if you didn’t plop down on a blanket or lounge chair in the broiling sun with baby oil slathered all over. I stopped getting tan about then, unless i was just outside doing something. oily and sweaty aren’t my thing. >.<
I’ve been called pallid, pale, undead and so on by my bronzed friends, but at 57 years, I have hardly any wrinkles on my face and neck, no age spots and those same friends, who are looking a bit leathery these days, are just now realizing how following the tanning trend in their youth and on into their middle-age betrayed them in the end.
I’m of Scots-Irish descent primarily and so have moderately fair skin and based on my Mom’s skin as she aged, good genes. regardless of ancestry or genes, my advice to my daughter and anyone else has been to use sunscreen. and of sufficient spf to be effective. it works. :)
Lauren Perry says
It’s much, much better for your skin and bones to use sunscreen consistently and take a vitamin D supplement. It’s not worth the risks to skimp on sunscreen just to get a little extra vitamin D when there are so many supplement readily available.
Shannon Ruby says
Agreed! I was waiting for someone to mention the fact that you can purchase supplements these days. ;-) Frying your skin to get vitamin D is a poor excuse.
Helen Vong says
I agree with all these tips. And funny enough, I didn’t figure all these out until I turned 30!