I love lemons. I love to eat and drink them. I think they are one of the most healthy things for your body and your skin. I wrote a whole post about how you can use lemons for beautiful skin: 8 Ways To Use Lemon For Beautiful Skin.
Lemons are an amazing fruit for the inside of your body too. It is amazing what a little warm lemon water first thing in the morning can do for your body, your immune system, brain and soul for that matter.
Here are nine reasons why you should squeeze some lemon into a warm cup of water every morning and drink it. If you want to double the benefits, it wouldn’t hurt to do this every evening before bed too.
1. Weight Loss – This is my fave. Drinking the lemon water first thing in the morning helps your body with dehydration (you’ve been asleep 8 hours) and helps to fight hunger cravings.
If you maintain a more alkaline diet (avoid these 4 diet mistakes), it has been shown that you lose weight (read the latest groundbreaking research) faster (see next tip.)
2. Balances pH – If you drink lemon water everyday, you will reduce your body’s overall acidity because believe it or not, lemon is one of the most alkaline foods known to man. Even though lemon is obviously acidic, it does not create acidity in your body once it is metabolized.
3. Anti-aging – Us thirty-somethings should love this tip. Vitamin C in the lemon helps to decrease wrinkles and blemishes.
4. Clear Acne – Lemon water helps to purge toxins from your blood which in turn, helps to keep your skin clear. You can actually apply lemon directly to any scars or discoloration on your skin to reduce appearance. Just put lemon on your spot at night and wash off in the morning with cool water.
5. Flush Your Body – The juice from the lemon water helps to flush out the toxic material in your digestion which will help with constipation and digestion. It also encourages the liver to produce bile which is an acid that required for digestion. Efficient digestion reduces heartburn and constipation.
6. Diuretic – Get rid of that bloat. Perfect for that time of the month when your body holds on to that extra water weight. Lemons help to increase the rate of urination which keeps your urinary tract healthy
7. Bad Breath – This will help freshen your breath and who doesn’t want that?
8. Less Stress – When you have a lot of things on your mind, vitamin C is the first to be depleted and the lemon water will help to fill your body back with the vitamin C nutrient your body needs.
9. Boosts your immune system – Lemons are high in vitamin C, which is great for fighting colds. They’re high in potassium, which stimulates brain and nerve function. Potassium also helps control blood pressure.
To get the best benefits, squeeze 1/2 lemon into 8 – 12oz of warm water. If you are concerned with the acidity of the lemon on your teeth, try drinking it from a straw.
I haven’t been a huge fan of lemons ever since a bad experience with lemon drops… that said, I have been warming up to them again recently. I might try this with my morning routine!! Thanks for sharing these great tips!!
Hey Nichole,
Now I’m curious as to what happened with your lemon drops! I am going to start trying this (if I remember) and see how it works.
I started drinking warm lemon water in the mornings a while back also, but I add a dash or two of cayenne pepper to the water. I love it. definitely don’t miss the coffee. The cayenne gives the water a little kick without making it hot. The cayenne also boosts your metabolism. Give it a try!!
Hey Mary,
That sounds like a great idea. I will definitely give that a try, if it’s not too hot!
I am obsessed with lemons, and drinking lemon water in the mornings. However…I don’t use warm water. I use cold water. Are the benefits better with warm water?
Hi Jennny,
Thanks for commenting and your question.
Water that is warm or room temperature will provide the most health benefits and allow for the full enzymatic and energetic properties of the lemon.
void drinking lemon in water that is icy cold because it will significantly hinder the digestive benefits of the lemon.
Hope that helped.
Thanks for posting the exact ratio of lemon juice to water. I’m one of those peeps who need exact measurements for everything. I’m going to try this. I’ll finally get more use out of my lemon squeezer utensil.
It does help. Thank you! I guess I’ll have to suck it up and drink it in warm water. I don’t like the taste as much that way, but if the health benefits are greater, I can do it. Thank you!
hi can i mix limejuice with water and drink thru the day pls thanks
Hi Anonymous,
You could use lime and get some good benefits, but lemons have more benefits. Either way, it is better than plain water.
I just started drinking lemon water in the mornings and I can say that it has really given me a good boost in the morning. I am not a coffee drinker, and I love lemons so its beneficial, especially with the detox that I am on!!
Thanks for sharing!! :)
I was doing this off and on, but never on long enough to notice the difference. I’m going to stick with it this time! Great post, thank you
Does lemon juice have the same benefit… and if so, what is the ratio to water?
No, lemon juice does not have the same benefit. A lot of the vitamins get diluted as soon as it hits the air. It should only be lemon juice squeezed fresh from a lemon.
I have been doing this this without knowing the benefits bt now that I know,I will keep it up. Thanks for the post
I have tired it n yes ut does work..ill weigh myself next week to see what my results are. I live lemons now.
I drink lemon water every a.m. and again during the afternoon or evening but mine is cold too. Still benefits just not as many?
Drinking your lemon water cold does have good benefits, drinking it warm just allows your body to absorb the lemon nutrients better. Either way is better than none! Good luck!
I recently start drinking warm lemon water. The benefits I notice are pretty terrific! My skin is clearer and my nails has begun to grow and seem to be pretty strong. Also, I’m not as bloated. I used the warm water and lemon to replace my tea or coffee in the morning (and throughout the day) lol.
I do not have lemons can I substitute limes? what would the modifications be?
can I put lemon in green tea?
Yes, green tea is good for you too.
i’m a skinny person and i tried to drink lemon water for two days now before going to bed,,but i’m afraid that i might lose weight (read the latest groundbreaking research)..is it ok?
As long as you don’t change any other part of your diet, you should be okay.
my grandma had me drink lemon water when i was just small child n i still drink lemon water now that im a grandma so i quest grandma know best
Lemon LNG po b ilalagay s warm water at ready n xa inumin??ilan minutes bgo xa inumin??
Lemon LNG po b ilalagay s warm water??
There doesn’t need to be an exact ratio for the benefits. You can just squeeze a half lemon into 8oz water, or more if you can handle the lemon flavor. It is just consuming any lemon on an empty stomach that matters.
thnkx 4 de advice de lemon water test so good wth cold water,hope i loss ma waight n ma bally is so huge i hate it coz ppl tease me about it hope it help n i wll change ma diet so i cn be skinny#lemonReezy
Hi, I just bought limes, is it better taking immediately after eating before bed or on an empty stomach, got some weight to loose to. Thanks
Better to do first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
hi sir,it is not possible to me to drink with warm water.is it good for health with normal water.
Yes, it is absolutely fine to drink with cold or room temperature water.
I do mix it with lime water for greater health benefits. It improves my physical condition after drinking it regularly every day.
I’ve been drinking lemon water for about a week. It’s too early to see a difference. I love the taste of it. I’m hoping it will seriously curb my appetite!
I’m breastfeeding can u drink lemon juice? and can i drink lemin juice tht they sells at pick n pays? or fresh ftom the tree? with cold or warm water or room temperature
Yes, lemon juice is no problem. Fresh lemon juice is best. The vitamins in lemon juice goes away quickly after it is squeezed.
Warm water.
When I first started drinking lemon water, I noticed a strange, almost burning sensation, in my neck for a few days. Maybe this was unrelated, but I felt like it was my lymph nodes detoxing. Anyone else experience anything similar?
I have a problem with heartburn. Can I drink lemon water with this issue?