As someone who has worked many 9 to 5 jobs, I was always searching for the answer to maintaining a healthy lifestyle while balancing the demands of my job. After sitting all day, I would often leave the office not only feeling mentally drained, but physically exhausted. As an optimist at heart, I embarked on a journey to find solutions.
Here’s 9 Simple Solutions to Staying Healthy While Working a 9 to 5
1. Resist the Urge to Visit the Vending Machine
When you’re feeling the pressure of a deadline or you think you’ve hit a wall with the project you’re working on, it’s common to want to grab a sweet, salty, or fat laden snack to make it all better. Unless your vending machine offers healthy options resist the urge to visit it. Think about what you can do instead to manage your stress.
2. Give Your Eyes a Break
Do your eyes feel strained at the end of the day from staring at your computer monitor? If so, plan time throughout the day to give your eyes a break. When you get to work in the morning, think about the tasks that you want to get done. If possible, consider alternating between using the computer and other tasks such as phone calls or in-person meetings.
3. Choose Flats
High heels look great, but what does your body think of them? Wearing high heels on a consistent basis can cause feet, knee, and back issues. You might not feel the effects now, but habitual use of high heels can be dangerous for your health. At least a few days per week, consider choosing flats instead.
4. Get an Ergonomic Assessment
Many employers offer ergonomic assessments. It may only take a few simple changes to your work space such as a footstool, wrist rest, or new chair to increase your comfort, productivity, and improve your health. Also, ask about a standing desk. Benefits include more energy, increased productivity, improved posture, and burning more calories. A few months ago, I purchased an adjustable standing desk for my home office and it’s one of the best investments that I’ve ever made!
5. Do a Mindset Check
When you focus on what you don’t like about your job such as your commute, micromanaging boss, tight deadlines, or lack of flexibility, do you notice that these issues seem to get worse and worse? Focusing on what’s lacking in your life significantly impacts your ability to move forward. Begin to get yourself out of this rut by focusing on what you want to create in your life. A huge component of attracting what you want is shifting your mindset.
6. Invest in a Headset
If your job requires you to make a lot of calls, do you find yourself tilting your head while holding the phone? This can lead to neck and shoulder pain. A simple fix is investing in a headset. You can check with your employer to see if they have headsets or would be willing to purchase one. If not, it’s worth the investment. Your neck and shoulders will thank you!
7. Wash Your Hands
With the peak of flu season coming soon, it’s important that you take action to prevent it. One of the easiest ways to prevent the flu is to wash your hands. If you’re at a meeting or an event and shake people’s hands, make time afterwards to wash your hands. This will help keep you healthy all winter!
8. Choose Healthy Snacks
Brainstorm a list of healthy snacks that you can bring to work. Most offices have a break room with a refrigerator. If there’s enough room in the refrigerator, you can bring your healthy food items on Monday. That way, it’s one less thing to think about when preparing for work in the morning.
9. Find an Exercise Buddy
Find a co-worker who is willing to exercise with you at lunch. Take walks together or find other ways to get in a quick workout. When you have someone to support your fitness goals and hold you accountable to exercising, you’re more likely to stick with it.
Lindsay is a Certified Professional Coach who specializes in working with women in their 20s and 30s. She enthusiastically helps her clients take their lives from searching to satisfied. Lindsay will soon launch the Turning 30 Coach membership site. Besides being passionate about coaching, Lindsay loves blogging, experimenting with green smoothie recipes, practicing yoga, exploring hiking trails, and purple nail polish.
Twitter: @Turning30Coach
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