Did you miss this post last week? All these great bad boyfriend behavior stories? If you haven’t done so already, it is time for you to vote for your favorite story. The story with the most votes by 4/30 will win a $75 gift card to Target!
As of yesterday (Sunday) here are the results of the voting so far. It is a close one! I wanted to post these stories one more time in case you didn’t get a chance to read them yet. If you have already read and voted, thank you so much. But these stories are so good, they probably deserve another read.
1. In my mid-20s, my boyfriend at the time & I were living in a sort of duplex situation with another couple in their mid-30s. After living there for a little less than 2 weeks, I came home one evening and my boyfriend greeted me more excited than usual. He had dinner made for me (super unusual) and bought my favorite wine too. He seemed to rush me through dinner and told me very seriously that he had something he wanted to tell me/talk to me about. My head was swarming guessing what he could possibly want to talk about. My first thought was that it couldn’t be about marriage. We just weren’t ready for that & neither of us had talked seriously about it. What if he had found another girlfriend? I had no idea what he wanted to talk to me about. Sitting on the couch he begins to let me know that our upstairs female neighbor had hinted at the fact that they were swingers in a casual conversation with him. At this point my mind was racing! I’m an open-minded person, but that just wasn’t my thing. After springing this little piece of news on me he lets me know that he told them that we would LOVE to “join” them this evening and that they were waiting for us in the hot tub outside! My jaw dropped and at that moment like out of thin air my boyfriend hands me my bathing suit….I couldn’t believe what was happening. What I thought was just my boyfriend being overly affectionate turned out to be something much more than I bargained. That night I ended up telling him that I was absolutely not interested at all. It was so awkward that I ended up going over to a girlfriends house for the night and I let him sort out the whole ordeal. We ended up breaking up a couple months down the road & I was so happy to move outta there!
2. I dated a guy that I’ll call M for about 4 years. It was bad the entire time. For my birthday one year, he announced he was going to take me to Charleston, SC (a favourite spot of mine). The entire drive up, he complained about the fact that he didn’t think that Charleston was all that interesting or enjoyable and why didn’t I like cities he liked. At the hotel, he said it was only fair I pay because it was my city of choice. For my birthday dinner, he refused to go to a restaurant I would like insisting it would upset his stomach and forced us to go to an Olive Garden where he refused to pick up the check because I wouldn’t say that his choice in restaurant was the better pick. The next morning I woke up to find him and my car gone, When he returned he said he had brought me a “surprise” of stuffed mushrooms, which he claimed were a favourite of mine. I’m actually deathly allergic to mushrooms. That prompted a temper tantrum where he actually locked himself in the bathroom for the next hour and refused to come out. I never did find out where he’d gone with my car or what he’d been doing while he was out. The icing on the cake came on the drive home. We had stopped to get gas and encountered a dog that had been abandoned and had obviously been abused. I got on the phone to find a no kill that could come take him and went into the gas station to buy the dog food and water while I waited for them to come get him. M got so upset about my wanting to stop and help the dog that he locked himself in the car, with my keys, and refused to unlock the doors until after the dog had been taken and we were ready to leave.
3. In my 20s I was a fool. I learned many lessons, but a fool nonetheless. I lived with a boyfriend – it was great at first. Then I noticed bad boyfriend behavior – he began to drink more, smoke weed, and then he would have dark moods where he would basically verbally abuse me. I hated the way he acted, yet I stayed and put up with it for months because he would always apologize and make it right. One argument became too much and I saw a look in his eyes I was not comfortable with…so I left for good and never looked back.
4. “I could marry you in three months,” he said over dinner. Oh, why did I believe him? Or that he had to leave on a business trip over Halloween weekend? The following Monday turned out to be a true House of Horror experience. I checked my Facebook and noticed a friend of mine had been tagged in a Halloween party. Clicking through the other photos in that album, I saw him dressed up as a pirate…and holding his ex-girlfriend (also in pirate attire). They had come to the party as a pirate couple and were in several photos, holding each other. I was beyond fuming. On my lunch break, I ran four miles, huffing and puffing, forgetting my allergies to ragweed– which, compounded with the stress, led to a respiratory infection two days later. After than run, I wrote him, telling him I’d seen the photos of him and his wench and that I was done with him.
5. I was dating this guy for awhile and we had yet to say “I love you” to each other. One night I was tickling his back and he asked me to spell out “I love you” with my finger on his back. I thought it was his way of saying it for the first time. I did it and after I was finished with the last letter, I was expecting him to say something, anything! But he didn’t. I just sat there…..waiting……..confused. Then he fell asleep. It was a pretty awkward moment.
6. Years ago, when my three best friends from graduate school abruptly broke up with me by email with absolutely no explanation (I’m still at a loss about what happened), I was completely distraught. It was a total punch in the gut and I had so many questions. It was worse than any actual break up I’d ever gone through — these were girls I’d spent every weekend with, traveled to Europe with, taken care of when they were sick. About a week after it happened, I was talking to my then boyfriend about whether I should try calling them to ask what had happened. He looked at me and said, “Are you still thinking about that? You need to get over it already.” It was actually a blessing — a wake up call. I’d known for a long time that he didn’t really have emotions or empathy, and that moment snapped me into clarity about the fact that he never would.
7. I was engaged professional baseball player and I was working for another team at the time. I got back from a road trip and went straight to his apartment. There was a girl there and I had a moment of panic before calming myself down(guys are constantly up and down levels and I assumed it was a girlfriend of someone I hadn’t met yet) She then calls me by name and says verbatim “Oh, hi! Your brother didn’t tell me you were coming to town” That’s right…sister. What. The. What. Apparently that was how he explained away the pictures of us. Cause you know, 22 year old guys keep pictures of them and their “sister” all around?! Don’t worry,I enacted the best way to get back to him ever. One of those moments in life where the ideas and words just flowed perfectly. But that is another story.
8. J and I had a very dramatic, on and off relationship for a few years. We were actually in a pretty good place around the time of my reunion, so I had invited him to come with me. This would be the first time, after a year of seeing each other, that he would meet my family and my bestie from high school. He actually said he was excited to meet them and see where I grew up. We were suppose to leave for the reunion in the afternoon after a full work day. A few hours into the work day, I received an email from him. It was a forward from his brother explaining that some lady that was a family friend of theirs had passed away and needed J to be a pallbearer. Guess when the funeral was scheduled? Yep, same time and different state from my reunion. Something seemed fishy with this, so I looked up the lady’s obituary. She had passed away several weeks before and J had not been a pallbearer in her funeral. He lied about a funeral to get out of going to my reunion and meeting my family. That was the end of J. Bad boyfriend!
9. One day, a guy in one of my COLLEGE classes wrote me a note one day that said: “Are you a righteous daughter of god?” It took me aback, and after class he walked up to me and said, “Well?” I replied “Well, I guess so, yeah. “ He said, “Okay then, well I would like to ask you out on a date. “ I agreed, but I should have taken the hint right there. He picked me up and for our first date we went to his sister’s house and met her whole family. After I met everyone we left and he took me to see the Temple and asked me what my feelings were on the gospel. We then went for ice cream and the total was $6.66, he told me that was a bad sign, and I should have listened him but I decided to go out with him one more time. He picked me up for lunch and unbeknownst to me his mother was invited too. She let me know that she was pleased that I was dressed modestly and not like the slut sitting at the next table. I decided that this was not a guy for me and never returned his calls. I saw him at school the next semester and he walked up to me and said with a straight face, “Just so you know, I changed my criteria for dating women. I’m only dating women from California,” and walked off in a huff.
10. I was in my early 20s and Ryan and I had only been dating for a couple of months. One evening we decided to stay in and watch a movie. When he arrived at my house he was holding a rose and a card for me. It as so sweet!! While watching the movie we laid on the couch and did nothing more than maybe kiss a little. At this point in my life I had only had sex with one guy and he totally ripped my heart out!!! So, I was not in a hurry to EVER have sex again. The movie ended and Ryan asked if he could use the phone. He took the phone and went into the other room and shut the door. I thought this was very odd. Why would he need to have a private conversation? So, I listened through the door. I was so astonished by what I heard!!!! Ryan said “No, nothing!!! I even gave her the rose and the card!!! We were kissing and that’s about it!!! What do you think I should do to get her to want to have sex?” I was soooo mad!! I snatched up the rose and the card and busted through the door!! His eyes were popping out of his head! I threw the rose and the card at him and told him to get the hell out!!!
11. I had a mean boyfriend in my early 20s. One really awesome thing that happened was one time I parked my little red Toyota Celica behind his giant truck in his driveway. He went out to go somewhere and apparently didn’t see or care that my car was parked behind his truck. Two seconds after he had left the house he came back in screaming and yelling that he had run over my F’ing car and why the F did I park behind him?! Obviously it was my fault! The entire hood of my car was pushed back, I had to take it to a body shop to be fixed and it was me dealing with a rental car, me dealing with the shop, me dealing with all of it. I don’t remember why I didn’t make him do all of that since he is the one who ran it over but honestly what a dick this guy was. Nothing was his fault, of course it was my bad for parking behind him! Not his bad for not checking his rear view to make sure no one was parked behind him. Kind of reminds me of the time his mom told me I didn’t really love him because I didn’t clean his room for him. Awesome family!
12. After a bad breakup in my early 20s I had a rebound relationship with a guy named B. He had just moved into the same college housing and was rooming with some other guys I was already friends with. He was pretty cute and fun and was a nice distraction from my previous heartbreak. We went out for a couple of months, and I could tell that he was more into it than I was, but to be honest I liked the attention. Finally, I decided that I needed to end it and started to have “that conversation” with him about how I just wanted to be single for awhile. I guess he thought that he could prevent the breakup by being brutally honest about a few things, such as: he hadn’t been this happy in such a long time, he was falling in love with me, and oh yeah… he was MARRIED AND HAD TWO KIDS. Wait, what?! I definitely hadn’t seen that one coming. Apparently he and his wife were separated, but who the hell moves into student housing and starts dating college girls when they’re going through a divorce and they have two kids. What a psycho. His roommates didn’t even know about his little double-life scenario. I was so happy to have dodged a bullet there!
13. So the guy I was dating had his own house and we were living together. One day out of the blue he told me that he wanted to move back in with his parents. I had been suspicious that he was cheating on me with his baby mama for a while. I thought it was really odd that a grown man wanted to move back in with his parents when he owned his own house. I decided to go to his parents house to talk to him about why he was moving out and the baby mama answers the door like she lives there. I confronted the boyfriend and he told me that the baby mama somehow got a copy of his key and moved into the house when he wasn’t there. The icing on the top is once I broke up with him, he and crazy baby mama stole my identity and bought a motorcycle in my name.
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