This post is in partnership with CoolSculpting. All opinions are my own.
I am moving towards the latter part of my 30s. With that comes the aging that I may not have been prepared for, or am in denial about. This time is a difficult journey because you just start to notice certain things about yourself that aren’t as young and tight as they were in your 20s. But those times in our 20s are not so far away, so obviously we want to continue to look like we did. Our spirit definitely hasn’t changed since we were in our 20s, so we just need our bodies to take heed.
Unfortunately, however, time has another agenda. But that doesn’t mean we can’t do a little here or there to keep our body looking the way we feel on the inside.
Whether it is following an anti-aging routine, or perhaps taking it a step further to include filler and other injectables, liposuction or plastic surgery, we all just want to feel our best. Right?
So here’s the thing for me. It actually doesn’t really have much to do with getting older, but it also doesn’t help either. I have a double chin that has always been one of my biggest insecurities. No matter how skinny or how much weight I gain, that double chin is always there. It is obviously extra large when I gain weight. I have never been the girl that looks as heavy as I am because my weight always goes straight to my face and neck first. There is no pretending it’s all genetics, I get it from my Dad. I have always considered getting liposuction on this part of my body, but I was hesitant of having surgery, possible scarring, the recovery and being put under. So I put it on the back burner.
This summer I have a lot of things going on. Vacation with the husband for the first time since we had our baby. And my (ahem) twenty-year high school reunion. I obviously want to look my best for both of those occasions.
When CoolSculpting reached out to me to see if I wanted to try their treatment and document my results, I jumped at the chance. I had heard of CoolSculpting, but didn’t know exactly how it worked. I knew it had something to do with using cold temperatures to rid fat, but that was it. I was excited to go to my consultation to find out more and see what they could do for me, if anything.
I set up my consultation appointment with Bodify in Phoenix, Arizona. Bodify does strictly CoolSculpting. I met with Melissa and Jessica who own Bodify. Melissa and I sat down and went over how CoolSculpting works and how it could work for me.
CoolSculpting is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure that freezes away your fat cells in those areas that may not disappear as easily with diet (avoid these 4 diet mistakes) and exercise.
The CoolSculpting treatment is proven to reduce fat in those stubborn areas and the best part is that there are no needles, no surgery, no anesthesia and ZERO downtime. Once you’ve completed your treatment for the day, you can get back to life. You don’t have to take any time off work or be bedridden. What a huge plus! Who has time to take a pause from life these days?
Melissa explained all of that to me and how the procedure works. You lay comfortably in their chairs and the CoolSculpting machine is placed on the areas you decided to treat. It usually takes 35 minutes of freezing on each side for a total of an hour and a half. In the meantime, you can relax and read, watch TV, sleep or just relax.
I told Melissa I was interested in treating my double chin and stomach. Once we talked about everything and all my questions were answered, we headed into a patient room where I changed into a robe to see if my “areas” qualified for treatment. Once Melissa assessed my stomach and double chin she agreed that my double chin was a perfect area to treat with CoolSculpting. Unfortunately, however, she could not currently treat my stomach because I have a herniated belly button and Diastasis Recti that I acquired from pregnancy. Those two things will be treated on my own and then we’ll be able to reassess treating my stomach another time. The girls were so nice and professional and made me feel completely comfortable the entire time.
After all our discussion, my double chin was approved and treated and we scheduled an appointment for the next treatment. I can’t wait to see the end results and I will be sharing the entire journey with you! Stay tuned for my treatments, how they go and my end results. I think this is an ingenious way get rid of that stubborn fat that just won’t go away. No surgery! Yes and yes!
Follow me on my journey:
I too have wondered about Cool Sculpting, hope you post a follow-up on your experience. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Erika. This is the 1st of 4 posts I will be doing on my experience with CoolSculpting with before and after photos so you can see for yourself if you think it is worth it!
I have been wanting to do cool sculpting on a couple problems areas too. I am worried about shelling the money and not getting results. I hope you do. Good luck! @aquatrish6
Thanks Trisha! I hope you follow me on my journey. This is 1 of 4 posts. It will have photos so you can see if it is something you think is worth it.