I decided to write a little something myself for the Love for 30 Project this week. It’s a Christmas edition. I have been tagged by Nichole from Just Some Jane and it is all about Christmas – past and present. I thought it was fitting because the questions are about what Christmas was like when I was a child and how it is now that I am an adult, aka in my 30s.
I love Nichole’s blog and her too. You definitely need to check out her blog and her words that come straight from her heart.
As always, if you are interested in guest posting for the Love For 30 Project and getting some new exposure for your blog, email me and I can give you all the details. [email protected]
1. What makes Christmas such a special holiday for you and your family?
Christmas was always a special time for my family and I. My parents got divorced when I was young, but Christmas was the time of year where my parents got together to make it super huge and special for my brother and I. My mom has always made Christmas a big deal and she still does to this day. I love going home for Christmas because of the delicious homemade meals and being together with everyone. I love it because my brother will sleep over and we wake up early like when we were young. I can’t wait to share that with my own children. I now have a cute husband who I also get to share my Christmas traditions with.
2. Were you told the truth about Santa Claus by your parents or did you find out another way? And..do you plan on lying to your kids (if you have them or plan on having them)? When I was young, I loved Christmas and I loved the idea of Santa. You will not believe this, but I believed in Santa until I was almost 14 years old. I was in 7th grade and I wanted to keep believing even though some of my girlfriends told me he didn’t exist. I would ask my mom all the time and she said that Santa is real if you believe he is real. Then I decided to ask my Dad a few days before Christmas when he and my mom and I were at the mall. He said no. That was it. I couldn’t believe it and I and cried and cried. My mom was so mad at him. I loved the idea of believing. I was a bit naive. I never saw it as my parents lying, but I loved the idea of the magic of Santa. Believe me, I was not the only one to believe in Santa at that age, I had two other girlfriends who also believed and we would talk ourselves into continuing to believe.
So needless to say, I plan on doing the Santa thing for my kids. I loved it and I would like my children to feel that magic feeling too. I’m not too sure about the whole “Elf on the Shelf” sitch. I never had that when I was a kid, and I can see how it could be fun, or creepy. Not sure which I am leaning towards yet.
3. Real tree or fake tree?
Real tree all the way for me. It was something that I looked forward to as a child, going to find the perfect tree and now I love going with my husband and finding that perfect tree for our house and decorating it together. I love the smell too.
4. Do you open presents on Christmas morning, Christmas Eve or both?
It has been a tradition growing up that we will open one present on Christmas Eve with ended up usually being our Christmas pajamas that we would wear that night. That tradition is still going strong every year. I think that is one of my husbands favorite part about our traditions is opening that one present. Even if we don’t go to my parents, we still uphold that tradition.
5. What is your favorite Christmas movie to watch? Favorite Christmas song to sing or listen to? ( I know…technically two questions)
My favorite movie is “The Christmas Story.” Even though it is on over and over, I still don’t get sick of watching it. My favorite Christmas song is Happy Christmas by John Lennon. My husband’s favorite Christmas song is ‘Last Christmas’ by Wham and that has actually turned into my other favorite song too. I love hearing that song. If you have not seen the video, you are missing out. It is some full blown ’80s action. It is one of those songs you can just belt out while driving down the road.
This is the part where I am suppose to tag five people, but I want to put this out there to all of you for now. I would love if you did this project and let me know in the comments.
Nichole says
Thank you so much for the kind words and for doing this post! I knew yours would be enjoyable to read!
I love the fact that you believed in Santa until you were nearly 14. The magic of Christmas is really an awesome thing that should last as long as possible.
btw… Happy Christmas never fails to make me cry. I am not sure why. It is just one of those songs that fills me up with so much of the “good stuff” that I go into emotion overload. Oh, the joy of being an overly sensitive woman!