How do you live your life? Now that we are in our 30s, our priorities have most likely changed of what makes us live our best life and what we are passionate about.
This week’s Love for 30 Project contributor has figured what she is passionate about in life and has shared her secrets with us.
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How I live a life full of passion
My whole life, I had lived a life of passion until I hit my mid-twenties. My sense of focus shot out the window quicker than a clay pigeon can be launched. Life turned upside down and I had to learn new ways to cope, move forward and grow. It took about 3 years to do so. By the time I hit 30, I was semi-pro at living a passionate fulfilling and balanced life. Colleagues and friends have asked me on numerous occasions how I am able to balance work, life and family. Here are eight things that I do to keep on keeping on:
1. I do not own a television
2. I do not have Netflix or Hulu.
3. Everything I do is scheduled with room for flexibility (The secret to living a full life outside of mainstay constructs)
4. I always make time for my true passions
5. I read articles vs. watch news footage on the Internet
6. Things fall into 3 categories
- Does it add or detract from quality of life? (This can be moral, energetic or time related)
- Does it feed my soul? (If it does then #3 feels more worthwhile)
- Monetary (sometimes we have to do things we don’t care for to make ends meet as long as it does not challenge your moral fiber move forward)
If the answer is no to both 1 and 3, then I let it go. If it feeds my soul I keep it, schedule it and make it work.
7. I schedule time for family and friends. I make sure that it is quality time and to be present mentally, emotionally and physically.
8. I am a productive procrastinator. If I find myself veering off course, I do something that seems less daunting and then return to focus.
If I do anything outside of those 8…I make sure it is something I want to do.
Thea Pueschel is a Los Angeles based Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Sports Mind Coach, Curvy Yoga Teacher and artist of living. She is the creator and facilitator of HypnoArt and Pranyama & Paint Workshops. It is her objective to empower and facilitate individuals to achieve their personal potential. She is the owner of Hypnotiq Solutions [http://www.hypnotiqsolutions. net] and co-founder of Hazel Blue Studios a living arts studio []. Follow her on Facebook [ hypnotiqsolutions], [ hazelbluestudios] or Twitter [ hypsolutions].
that’s a really great plan. i don’t think i could give up tv though. it is one of my true loves. :) but i am impressed by those that can. and i like the being fully present part and doing something less daunting while waiting to get inspired to do the harder part. i do a lot of that! can relate!
This is a wonderful list! I have a hard time shutting off my work mode and making time for the other things that interest me, so I especially like number four. I’ll be mentally running through these steps the next time I find myself at a crossroads. Thanks, Thea and Erin!
Thank you for your comment boltoncarley, everything moderation even moderation. So perhaps being more conscious of your viewership and if you want to watch because it’s something interesting or if you are watching it to avoid doing other things that you may need/wish/want to do.
Thank you Joy for your kind words. If we make time for our true passions we are able to work more effectively when in “work mode” because we are coming from a place of abundance not a place of drained drudgery.
I love this list! What an amazing way to live your life! Must try to adopt at least a few of these. I’ve had a very hard time with #4 since having a baby, but lately, I’ve been longing for time for myself and interests. Time to change that and do something about it!