This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Capital One. All opinions are 100% mine.
We all have wishes each year. A list that we put together of all the things we want for the holidays. We ask out kids, spouses, parents and friends for what they want on their wish list.
We all love to receive gifts for the holidays, and we also love to give gifts for our loved ones too. It makes us feel warm and cuddly inside when we see their faces light up with the excitement of the gift you gave them.
We all know about Black Friday. It has been around for years. The biggest shopping day of the year and it is always the Friday after Thanksgiving day. Stores opening earlier and earlier and people waiting in line longer and longer for the best in-store deals to buy for holiday gift giving.
In the last few years, we have been introduced to Cyber Monday. The Monday after Thanksgiving and black Friday. It is all about the stores posting their best deals online and pushing for huge online purchases.
There is a new day to this week that isn’t as well known as the other two days, but it could be the most important to add to your calendar. It is Giving Tuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back.
“On Tuesday, December 2, 2014, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.”
What if we switched it up a bit and asked what you would you wish for someone else? What would that wish be?
I know exactly what my #wishforothers would be. I love animals. If you check my Instagram feed, you will see pics of my cats all throughout. We adopted our calico kitty Sophie from a no-kill animal shelter called “Safe Haven for Animals.” They are completely non-profit and run their shelter only on donations. Even a local vet donates their spay and neutering surgeries. However, they are in a small, cramped and older house. If I could give them a wish, I would wish that they had the space, supplies and volunteers that they need and that they don’t have to worry from week to week if they will have enough food, litter, or even space to hold new animals.
Capital One is asking what your #WishForOthers is for a chance to make it come true.
Share your wish for someone else – a family member, a friend, a neighbor, or a community — with #WishForOthers on Twitter, Instagram, or the Capital One Facebook page from Nov. 24 through Dec. 23 for a chance to make it come true.
Share your #WishForOthers via a video (a 30 second on Facebook or 15 second via Instagram) OR photo (via your Twitter, Instagram or Facebook platforms). The video or photo inspiration should be featured in your blog post and shared socially. Don’t forget the hastag, or to tag @Capitalone.
@Capitalone Instagram
For more information on making a wish come true for someone else, check out Wish For Others
I Love that mentality – make a wish for someone else! It really gets you thinking outside your own head…I’ll be adopting this in my daily life!
I LOVE this! I’m a huge animal lover myself (I’m a shelter foster parent for dogs) and I love giving back to my local shelters! I donated dog & cat food and kitty litter to my local shelter just last week. It’s so important to give back and support those causes you truly believe in <3
Yes, we all have wishes and all I want for holiday season is good health for my family and love as always. I wish long life for my father who is having a dialysis.
What a great way to get people to think about others during the holiday season. We’re big animal advocates, too. We’ve adopted all of our pets (2 cats and a German shepherd). It’s the only way to go when there are so many animals who need homes.
So great that there is now a day for giving! I do wish it had more of a year-round focus though- everyone gives during the holidays and forgets other times of the year!
what a fabulous idea!! I also think one of the fastest ways to get over things bothering us to to think of others
Wish for others is such a great idea, I wish my parents long life health and happiness and my brother nephew and SIL everything they could ever want
This is a great idea, its important for us not to get so wrapped up in all the gifts and to give back in some way :)
Omg I’m a huge animal person so I love this!!!! Always fabulous to give back :)
that’s so cool that there’s a giving tuesday. :) i haven’t heard of that one! i think we decided as a family to skip all the presents this year and go straight to giving.. and hopefully it will be a tradition from now on. we love giving back to our local shelter back in atlanta.. and there are always so many people and animals in need that deserve care much more than i need a present.
Such a great idea! I would wish for some family issues to be cleared so that everyone is happy! :)
Such a beautiful idea, always wish for others! There are always those in a far worse condition than yourself on such an amazing time of the year!
My wish is to help anyone that has suffered a loss.
I know what it feels like to have your world turned upside down and I would like to support places that help those people.
What a great way to get people thinking about others instead of themselves this holiday season! I’ll have to think about what I would wish.
I think your wish is fantastic, and I hope somehow that it will come true. I really like supporting no kill shelters.
How sweet is this, adorable cats.