Going on a girls’ trip is an experience every woman must have at least once in a lifetime. Spending time with your besties and exploring new places together is just the kind of group therapy you need when you’re feeling down or simply when you miss your friends and want to have a good time. However, as with every travel, anything can go wrong. Trust me, I should know, and you should have everything well organized before you set foot on the road, so that you can be free and careless after. So, if you’re planning to embark on this adventure, here are a few organizational tips that will help you have a smooth ride.
For a select few
I had my fair share of group travels, and even though it’s good to travel solo, my favorite kind is traveling with my girls. If there is one thing I’ve learned from those experiences, it’s that you should always invite only the friends you really love spending time with. If there is only one person on the trip who feels left out, or makes others feel uncomfortable, the whole trip will be ruined. When inviting people, consider the means of transport you are going to use and the time of the year. It would be best to go during the season of the holidays, or when everyone can get a couple of days off. If you are planning on going with just one car, remember that you can’t invite more than four more passengers. For busses, trains and similar transportation means, you’ll have no such problems.
Plan the location
Planning well in advance is the most important prerequisite for a successful trip. This way, you will be able to take into account everyone’s free time and financial situation and find a perfect location for spending a couple of days. Booking accommodation in advance will also allow you to get some great discounts. When thinking about where to go, hear everyone’s preferences out and combine that with the budget, transport and time of travel. The result of the equation will give you the perfect destination.
It may be a good idea to make some plans for things to do in nashville for example but avoid booking too many trips or activities so you get a chance to relax and have some downtime.
Make a night of it with the girls before you leave for your trip to see what attractions, restaurants, or bars everyone wants to see and work out a compromise that everyone is happy with.
Getting there
Depending on the destination you’ve chosen, you will also select a transportation means that matches the distance and your budget. If you are traveling by car, make sure you have more than one driver with a license. My friends and I, for example, were determined not to burden anyone from the team, so we took a bus charter when we traveled from Sydney to the Gold Coast, and that proved to be a good idea.
Pack wisely
It’s a girls’ trip, so you’re probably guessing that by default it should include a bunch of over-packed suitcases. Cut that issue at its roots by creating a group pack list. You don’t need to bring five shampoos and the same number of curling irons. The same goes for laptops and cameras. Also, if you have some squad fashion goals, you should coordinate your packing, so that each of you has outfits on the same level.
Just have fun
Finally, how much fun you have is what you’ll remember this trip for, so make sure it is an unforgettable experience. This means that you should schedule some activities, have a mandatory girls’ night out and bonding session, go ride horses, learn how to surf, do something you have always wanted to do. An important thing to think of is that you girls are bound to spat at some point – it’s only human. The key of overcoming it lies in not allowing it to affect the quality of your trip and solving your differences as soon as you cool off.
So, what do you say? Are you ready to couple your wanderlust with female bonding? If your answer is yes, don’t forget to check these tips out before setting out on such an adventure.
Roxana is a Sydney based travel enthusiast with a passion for writing. She loves fashion and has an eye for anything visually appealing and aesthetically beautiful. She is all about the healthy lifestyle, loves to run with her husband and dogs and has fun cooking exotic meals for her family. You can find her articles on HighStyleLife and StyleByAsia.
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