It is amazing what can change over one year. Nichole joined the Love for 30 Project last year, and looking back at the last year has brought many changes that she never saw coming, and a happy outlook at what to come.
If you haven’t already, you need to be sure to check out her blog. Nichole is very thoughtful in her words and very interesting in her writing. Join her in the journey of her new path.
If you are interested in Joining the Love or 30 Project, please email me and I will give you all of the details to guest post. Mythirtyspot[at]
Still Finding My True Me
It is incredible how much change a person can undergo in just one short year. Actually… less than a year is all it took for my life to flipped upside down and shaken sideways.
Just last February I wrote a guest post for the Love for 30Project here at My Thirty Spot. It is surreal to look back on those words today because I have changed so much in so little time.
In my original post I talked so much about finding my true self. I was proud of what I had accomplished and I paid a great deal of respect and admiration to my then husband. I say “then” husband because exactly 1 month to the day of that post be published, he asked me for a divorce.
A 12 year relationship, which became much of who I was, was coming to an abrupt end. I was unprepared. My life, as I knew it, was changing and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
Being 34 going on 35 and alone for the first time in my life was something that I was going to have to get used to and quick. I no longer had help around the house or with finances. I no longer had someone to rely on when I heard strange noises outside or needed help carrying items that were heavy. I was alone and it was scary.
What was I going to do?
I sulked for about a day before I decided to look at life rationally. This was MY time. This was MY chance to find out what more I could get from life. Who says you can’t start over in your 30’s? What did I want? Where did I want to go? Who do I want to become?
Honestly, I think that my way of thinking scared my father at first. He expected me to be a broken mess but the only times I really struggled emotionally was when I was trying to refinance the house in my name! Let me be straight with you… When it comes to finances, my OCD comes into play. This was nothing new.
The thing that I have learned is this… we never stop learning or changing. 20s, 30s, 40s… beyond… We never stop finding our true self. We will continue to evolve and grow. Our thirties are full of all kinds of change. Some of the change is great. Some of the change is scary.
As I look back over this last year and I see where my life has taken me, I realize that there is so much that I want – things I would have never been able to have in that “old life”. I am grateful for this new start.
Today I know that I am a much stronger person than I ever gave myself credit for. I love living on my own. I enjoy the quiet and I take pride in doing things that I always relied on someone else doing. Also, I love knowing that one day I can have my own family – something my ex never wanted but I did.
My life is great. I now work out of my home. I am still in college and I even take Ukulele lessons! I found a passion for the Catholic church and have fallen in love with the man who had been my best friend for nearly ten years.
34-35… A crazy and unpredictable year, yes. But also so incredible. Just imagine was 36 could bring!
Nichole is the owner of the small blogsite where she writes about every day life of a Jane. She spends most of her time balancing between family, friends, career, college and seeking out the occasional adventure.
Twitter: JustSomeJane
I follow Jane and love her blog. It’s amazing how when we face hard times we find out so much about ourselves. Can’t wait to read again after this next year. :)
You’ve changed so much over the last year, and I’m so so proud of you! I’ll admit I was scared for you for a little while, having just watched the same thing happen to my brother (ironically the month before), knowing how confusing and scary it can be; but I watched you grab the reins and take control! Annnnd…I’m so glad to be along for the ride:)
I love reading about big life changes like that. Sounds like life closed a door and opened a better one (I know, cliché but I like using them :)
Congrats on all those positive thing! I’m glad you found a church where you feel at home (I also found a church in 2012 :)
Ladies thank you so much for taking the time to read my guest post!
It’s so true… when one door closes, another truly opens. It’s not easy to always stay on the positive but it sure beats dwelling on the negative! :)
Erin – thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to do this again. I really enjoyed myself!
Thanks Nichole! I’m so happy you agreed to post again. I love that you wrote last year, and you wrote again about how your life has changed. It seems like everything has happened for a reason and I couldn’t be happier for you.
Thanks again!