Intimacy after having a baby can get a bit tricky. Your body has changed, your hormones are out of whack and not to mention that you have a little one to care for and has been taking a lot of your time, attention and not to mention any sleep you might need.
But what happens when you get the okay from your doctor to start being intimate with your partner again, but you just don’t feel like it yet? There are some things you can do to help rekindle the feeling of intimacy pre-baby.
- Accept your new body. This can be difficult because so many things have changed postpartum. New stretch marks, baby weight and of course the circle under the eyes. But you just made a beautiful human, and your partner is not seeing those things, but a strong woman who just brought your child into this world. It is a beautiful thing.
- Communicate. Talk it out with your partner. Let them know how you’re feeling about sex and being in the mood or not being in the mood. You might be surprised that just verbalizing your feelings can give you a sense of release and let some of the stress go, which can also hinder your desire. Talking it out and seeing how your parter is feeling too. This can open intimacy and help you feel ready to move forward.
- Get a little physical help. Sometimes as women, and especially after having a baby, your just don’t have the desire to be intimate or have sex. There is a new item that can help get your body ready to be intimate. Fiera is a new item that is something special and scientifically proven to enhance physical arousal and increase interest in sex. It is designed specifically for “Before-Play.” It’s used for a few minutes prior to sex and then removed when she feels interested and physically aroused, and ready for a pleasurable sexual experience with her partner.
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