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What 30 Taught Me: Love for 30 Project
A good friend once told me that my 30s would be the best time of my life…boy was she right. But guess what? It has also been the worst of times and I wouldn’t change a thing.
It wasn’t until my 30s that I learned that life wasn’t fair, but I would survive. It wasn’t until my 30s that I learned that I didn’t have to be like everyone else and it was OK. It wasn’t until my 30s that I learned about crushing anxiety, but that I would conquer it. It wasn’t until my 30s that I learned that fear was holding me back and it would feel amazing to overcome it. It wasn’t until my 30’s that I learned my true dream in life, so I better get going on making things happen…
I don’t have all the answers, but as a 30-something I do still have some advice for myself:
Dear past Crystal,
Start living your dreams NOW! If you don’t know what they are, it’s OK…try different things, you will figure it out. Do not waste one single minute. The goal is not to find a job that pays you millions of dollars; the goal is to find a job that makes you happy. Travel the world, see what else is out there…it will be worth it, I promise! Take risks; take chances…time is on your side…for now.
Dear present Crystal,
It’s going to be tough, I’m not going to lie. However, this is your time! Pursue your dreams, make the bucket list and immediately start chipping away at it. You don’t want kids…THAT IS OK! You want to switch careers – go for it. Face your fears – you will never see London if you don’t hop on that plane. You want to inspire people, then do it! Take risks; take chances…time is on your side…for now.
Dear future Crystal,
You haven’t fulfilled all your goals; it’s OK…keep going. You feel too old to watch Twilight – never! Your friends all seem settled, but you still feel uncertain, no worries – you have and always will be a free spirit. You don’t feel fulfilled; find something that will satisfy the void. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that it is too late to live your dream! Take risks; take chances…time won’t always be on your side.
Most people fear their 30s, not me…I have never been so sure of my purpose in life than I am right here and now.
Crystal is a dreamer whose goal in life is to inspire people to get out and explore. Follow her travels at www.youhavegottogohere.wordpress.com
meg @ meg-in-training.com says
Love this :-)