It’s official! I am pregnant! I know, I know, how long have I been talking about getting pregnant, or getting pregnant ready? I mean really. Well the time has come to announce that I am 15 weeks pregnant (due January 29th)! I have been wanting to post this for a few weeks, around the time that I was 12 weeks, but I have been so, so sick. I mean really sick. This whole morning (all day) sickness is no joke.
I throw up an average of 3 times per day. It is from morning till night, but I never know when it will be. It is usually right in the morning at 5am, or 11am. Or it is later in the afternoon around 5pm, or 11pm. I guess this baby has me on a schedule, it is just the same time per day everyday, just if it is am or pm.
Needless to say, I have not really been feeling too good to write regular posts, or even announce this pregnancy. But, I am happy to now. Unfortunately for me, my morning sickness does not seem to be subsiding as of yet. Everyone keeps telling me that it should calm down about now, but I am yet to see that happen. I have also been dealing with migraines since 11 weeks, so it has been harder to sit down and sit in front of a computer. But I have been trying my best.
I am happy to say as of now that I am 36, this is my first pregnancy, and as far as all my appointments have gone, the baby looks happy and healthy! They say the sicker you are the healthier your baby is right? So this baby better come out with a 10 rating in health when it comes out!
I have been laying on the couch for quite a few weeks. Food aversions include mostly eggs. However, I am still in the space that nothing ever really sounds good. I went into this pregnancy thinking I could keep up with my low-carb ways and just eat chicken and veggies. I learned very quickly that was not going to be the case, at least in the first trimester. The only thing that I could eat were carbs, carbs and more carbs. Most of that is from take-out or fast food. When you’re feeling nauseous and throwing up multiple times a day, comfort food is the only thing I could bear. I am still feeling the same now as I did a few weeks ago, but I am trying to eat more things than just carbs. The problem I have also had is that once I have had that food, then it comes back up, I don’t want to eat it again. So I am running out of options of what sounds good.
Fruit has been good, and juices. Hoping to feel better soon. I don’t think age has anything to do with how sick I am, it runs in my family. My mom was sick with me for 6 months and my aunt was sick until the third trimester. Keeping my fingers crossed that is not the case for me. I just read in one of my pregnancy books that if you throw up 3 times a day plus, you are in 5% of the pregnancy population, so that is sure something ;)
I found out I was pregnant while I was out of town in Newport, Rhode Island for a blogging trip to cover Team SCA of the Volvo Sailing race. I took a test on Friday night and it came out negative. One of my blogger friends said that I should take the test again before I went home on Saturday just to be sure. I didn’t think I was pregnant at all, so I wasn’t going to take it. But I was going to have a drink on the flight home, so I thought I should double check. I took the test Saturday morning and I was shocked to see it was positive! I wanted to burst and tell someone, but I knew I couldn’t tell anyone until I told my husband. But I had a cross-country trip ahead of me. I bought my husband a t-shirt and I also bought a onesie I found at the airport gift store and wrapped the pregnancy test in it. Once I got home, I told him he had some gifts. He didn’t know what he was opening up at first and seemed confused with the onesie until the pregnancy test fell out, and he was so excited. I think he was as shocked as I was!
I don’t know if my doctor has categorized me as “high risk” because of my age, because she has never said anything. I don’t think I have anything different done at my appointments because of my age, but maybe that is my ignorance. She just treats me like a regular patient and I feel like one too. As far as I am concerned I am the same patient as if I was in my 20s, and I am confidant that I will have a healthy baby at this age and proud of it.
I will also be posting about our 5-year anniversary trip soon. I didn’t post earlier because I have been so sick, and on our trip, I was so sick I didn’t want to mention it without explaining why.
I will keep you posted for my journey. The cats seem real excited, don’t you think?
Ahhh I am still so happy for you every time I hear about it :)
I’m so sorry you have been having such a rough pregnancy thus far! My mom and grandmother had horrible morning sickness so I think the only reason I escaped it is because I don’t eat meat (I read that countries who don’t eat a lot of meat have virtually zero morning sickness.) Hopefully that, and the migraines, resolve soon! As for not eating anything but carbs, I thought that would get better after the first tri but it’s still almost impossible for me to eat anything but carbs at 35 weeks! I started eating salads again around 20 weeks but I struggle with getting ANY veggie in a day. I have been making a chocolate protein shake every day for breakfast. It tastes delicious, and it helps me get in at least 25-30 mg of protein right away so I feel good eating chips, animal crackers, and candy the rest of the day :)
Congrats, Erin! That is so exciting :)
Congrats! Looking forward to your journey through pregnancy!