If you are interested in guest posting for the Love for 30 Project, please email me for all the information! Get some new eyes on your blog or social media! [email protected]
I Turned 30, and I Didn’t Die
It seemed so final and cold, like a death sentence, until I actually got here, and now I think it’s freakin’ awesome!!! (I actually had a friend who had a “funeral for her twenties”. It was really just a party the day before her birthday, and not anything weird at a cemetery or anything.) At the start of 2012 I was a little nervous, but as all of my friends started turning thirty and still seemed happy. I began to realize that maybe everything would be okay. I turned thirty and actually had the best birthday celebration I’ve had since I was like – seven-years-old. So when I was given this opportunity to guest post, I started to think about the things that make being thirty great.
In my 20s there was that rule about never leaving alcohol on the table; in my 30s I have no problems leaving a glass of wine after taking only two sips.
In my 20s I didn’t go out until after 10pm; now the “party” starts after work with cocktails, then dinner and then the night ends at 10pm maybe 11pm on a late night; nobody has time to stagger into work with a hangover.
In my 20s I occasionally went to parties on weekdays, but partying was usually reserved for Thursdays through Saturday nights. Now that I’m 30, I have no problem hitting a cocktail party after work and the gym, but going out on a weekend is almost unheard of…don’t even bother inviting me, I’ll probably come up with a lame excuse for why I can’t make it.
Now that I’m 30, I’ve moved from “cute” to “gorgeous” [as a petite woman, being called cute is grating]. And although my style has always been colorful and eclectic, I’ve noticed it has become more and more refined over the years, so it looks less thrift store and more polished even though I still go to the thrift stores.
There are a few downsides; I used to eat whatever I wanted and it would just disappear into the universe, now I actually have to go to the gym every day. And no one tells you that the day you turn 30 it’s signal to Mother Nature that the hair on your head can start turning gray. I almost passed out when I saw my first one, and then the second and third, but after getting over the initial shock, I am waiting for a cool gray/white stripe.
Now back to the good stuff…I have always been self-confident and very sure of myself, but now my confidence is on overload. I’m thirty; I’m a grown woman; I run the world (Insert another Beyonce reference here)! Sure Society says that I need to be married and have some kids, and I’m sure my uterus is decaying each day, but I’m happy! I have health, family, friends, stability, a steady job; I’m growing a business and God will take care of the rest!
So now that I’ve tackled thirty, I can’t wait until I’m seventy so I can be that crazy old lady wearing turbans and red lipstick and constantly giving my opinion even though I know it’s unwanted… kinda just like Grams…
JRochelle is a fashion designer and blogger from Philadelphia. She designs custom gowns, leather goods and hopes to open a boutique in the near future. She admits to being a horrible photographer, but continues to blog to share information with Philadelphians and others about the opportunities in the City. You can find her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Etsy, Google+ or check out her blog.
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