I’m Turning 30 and I Like It
I’m turning 30.
But see for me, things might be a little opposite. I’m not dreading the big 3-0 like some people (ahem – my husband). I’m actually looking forward to it. I want to embrace it. I want to model the idea that “the 30s are the new 20s.”
I got pregnant when I was 23. It’s funny because now that I look back it seems like I was such a baby myself! What was I thinking bringing another baby into the world?! But, I did it and since my husband was working overseas, I did a lot of it by myself. I changed diapers, I woke up throughout the night, I nursed, pumped, and formula fed my baby. Then just when we were getting out of those babies stages, Baby Number Two decided to make his appearance.
This time I had to do the whole birthing thing by myself as well. My husband was overseas again, I was too pregnant to go with him and this time couldn’t make it back at all. He conveniently made it back after little man was sleeping through the night. Nice.
So let’s recap. Pregnant & first baby at 23, second came along at 26, and now I’m turning 30 and my babies are 6 and 3 years old. They’re not babies anymore! We don’t do diapers. They don’t wake up through the night. They dress themselves, brush their teeth, put their shoes on by themselves. They are relatively independent kids.
And I like it.
In my 30s I’m getting the best of everything. I’ve been married now for 6 years so we’re not in the newlywed-hard stages. (Or at least they were hard for us!) We’ve kind of gotten the hang of being married, living together, the ins and outs of it all. Of course I know we’ve got a long way to go & lots of areas to grow, but we’re past the new stage.
And I like it.
So I’m not dreading my 30s. They’re not something I’m scared of because it symbolizes I’m getting older. I’ve been getting older every year! They are a symbolization of freedom! More freedom for me as my kids get older and even more independent. More freedom for my husband and I because our kids will be easier left with someone. (i.e. my parents don’t dread watching them.) More freedom for me to pursue the things that I want to pursue that I’ve put on hold for the last 7 years.
And I like it.
I think you’ll see me dancing into my 30s. And when age spots, or wrinkles, or ailments try to make me think differently, I just remind myself of all these things. The 30s are indeed the new 20s.
And I like it.
Natalia is a mom to two crazy boys and wife to one handsome dude. She lives in France part of the year where her husband plays professional basketball, but she hails from Southern California. The hubs was born & raised in Nassau, Bahamas, which makes them an intercultural, interracial family traveling the globe together since 2007. She loves to cook (but mostly eat), hang with her fam, be adventurous, & find ways to stay girlie in a house full of men. On her site you can find loads of hair tutorials, makeup ideas, & fashion tips for the everyday woman. She believes that beauty and fashion don’t have to be intimidating and that every woman should learn to embrace her own beauty.
You can connect with her here: Facebook // Twitter // Instagram // YouTube // Pinterest
connie says
Good for you! I’m 31, and I did dread turning 30 for maybe a minute. I’ll have to say that I am enjoying my 30s a lot more than I did my 20s. I am much more self-assured, confident and most importantly, I am happy with who I am. Cheers to your “big 3-0!”
katie says
I’m with you! 30 is good, but I do with I was out of the diaper stages :)
Anonymous says
tomorrow will be my 30,, and I don’t know,, it’s like a horror movie,,,