This is a sponsored post by Brilliant Ways. All content and words are my own.
Baby weight. I hate that phrase. Scratch that, I have a love/hate with that phrase. I love it because the reason I have it was to help bring my perfect angel into this world. I hate it because my lil’ baby is now over a year old and that weight does not want to seem to budge, no matter how many eviction notices I have given it.
But man, that first year of having a baby is nothing I could have ever imagined. As much as I would have loved to have made my health more of a priority that first year, it was just really difficult to do that. With sleepless nights and trying to figure out motherhood while keeping my business and marriage afloat, it is so easy to put your health on the back burner.
But now I am out of that first year of complete baby haze, my daughter is older, sleeping through the night and it feels like I have walked out of the fog. I can now dedicate some time for things that were put on hold and my weight gain is one of those things I can focus on now.
So where do I begin? After being off the dieting wagon for almost 2 years (pregnancy, 1st year of baby) it can feel like a huge uphill battle to get started on getting healthy and losing the weight. It is so easy for me to put it off and say, “I’ll start again tomorrow.” Or, “I’ll start again on Monday, or next week.” Then before I know it, months have past and nothing has changed.
I’ve been playing that game for awhile and it’s a hamster wheel that I needed to get off. So, I decided to take it slow into my weight loss (new science-backed research) journey.
That way it won’t seem as overwhelming and by taking baby steps. The weight might take a little longer to come off, but it will eventually come off. The way it is going now, I am not losing any weight and time keeps passing by.
In February we threw my daughter her first birthday. Once I checked out some of the photos, I was appalled at how my weight had ballooned. I decided it was time to make some changes. Even if they were small.
Here are the changes I made to start my weight loss journey:
- Cutting out all soda (diet (avoid these 4 diet mistakes) and regular)
- Minimum 15 minutes of activity, 5 days a week. (Going for a walk, bike ride, swimming.)
- Drinking lemon water first thing in the morning. See the benefits here
- Not eating past 8p.m.
- Cutting out coffee. I know this can be super difficult, but I will explain below why I was able to do this. I needed to cut this out because I used too much cream and sweetener, and of course the high calorie coffee shops didn’t help my cause.
- Taking Brilliant Ways Raspberry Ketones
- Taking Brilliant Ways Skinny Greens
See, that isn’t too hard, totally realistic to stick to and in 2 1/2 months, I lost 12 pounds! I am super happy with my results especially because I didn’t have to change too much to see results.
It is the perfect jumping off point to continue my journey and continue to lose weight (read the latest groundbreaking research).
I will start to add more changes because I feel totally motivated. Losing almost a pound a week feels amazing!
On to the next question I know you’re wondering about. What is Brilliant Ways?
Brilliant Ways is a natural supplement company that focuses on weight management, stress/anxiety and focus/clarity. The Brilliant Ways Raspberry Ketones is a fat burner that works by stimulating body fat breakdown through the release of the hormone norepinephrine and increasing the fat digestive enzyme lipase. So if you decide to work-out, it will just enhance the fat burning effects.
You can take two Raspberry Ketones 30-minutes before your workout. Or, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
I also was taking the Skinny Greens daily. This supplement is a powder that you add to water to help control your appetite as well as the benefits of superfoods and antioxidants. It’s a natural spinach derived ingredient that curbs appetite. I usually took this in the morning for breakfast as a protein shake that I would also add avocado too because a little fat helps the appetite control work even better. Or, I would take a scoop with some water in the afternoon when I was really having those cravings for junk food. It always kicked it in the bud.
Brilliant Ways also has two other fabulous products that I loved:
InstaZen: for those days I felt particularly stressed. I noticed after 1 day taking this a difference. It never made me feel tired or groggy, but just chill.
Drive: how I was able to kick my coffee habit. It was a lifesaver for those nights without sleep because of a teething baby. The ingredients in Drive helps the body naturally produce more energy and stimulate the brain to be more focused.
So, 12 pounds in 10 weeks. I am super stoked and I know it has much to do with Brilliant ways and their awesome supplements. They are all natural and do not include any preservatives.
If you’re looking for a weight loss (new science-backed research) jump start, or getting rid of those last pounds or hitting a plateau in your weightless journey, check out Brilliant Ways and their products.
I truly believe they work and helped me get started and to continue.
If you want more information, here is a link to all their research and clinical trials of their products.
I also have a discount of 25% to my readers with code: mythirtyspot. Try one or try them all. You won’t regret it.
Want to try it for yourself free? I am also giving away a bottle of Raspberry Ketones and Skinny Greens(to one winner) to try for yourself! Just enter below.
Thank you for the opportunity ??????
Great review!! Thank you for sharing!