In our thirties we can hear a lot of different statistics about having a baby during this age. If you have not had a baby yet, and plan to eventually, those stats can feel like they are being yelled into your ear with a megaphone. Especially if … [Read more...]
Kate Middleton’s Pre-Wedding Diet Plan – Dukan Diet
Kate has been in the news lately because she is about to become a princess in less than a month. We decided to write about her even though she is not in her 30s because I am sure at one time or another we have all wanted to be a princess. I think we … [Read more...]
Keeping Your Va-Jay-Jay Fresh and Clean
Oh the marketing strategies of the olden days. Using my husband against me. What happened to "for better or worse?" I hope my husband doesn't leave me because of a smelly vag, but at the same time, I hope I don't have a smelly vag for him … [Read more...]
4 Hours to a Perfect Body?
I love Dr. Oz. I think all of his medical tips and facts are fascinating. I DVR him everyday, but sometimes it is hard for me to watch them all. I try to watch them every so often and last night I watched one that aired about 2 weeks ago. I was … [Read more...]
6 Ways to Stop Embarrassing Gas
Passing gas. A natural way of life. We all do it, even us ladies. We have just had to deal with more situations where we try to hold it in, and it can possibly result in stomach ache. The dating days were the worst. Especially after a big delicious … [Read more...]
Our Thirty Thinspiration: Maria Menounos
Maria, 32, did not always have that beautiful body. In fact when she went to college she gained 40 pounds and ended up a size 14/16. Maria realized that she had started over-eating and the weight just snuck up on her quickly. She would sit down and … [Read more...]
12 Snacks That Are 100 Calories
When I am trying to eat healthy or diet (avoid these 4 diet mistakes) I will find myself getting sick of the same old crap. I usually run out of ideas of some good snacks. Especially low calorie snacks. This cute snack chart has 12 delicious snacks … [Read more...]
Roasted Brussel Sprouts Recipe and the Health Benefits
Oh, the little brussel sprout. How I love thee. One of my fave veggies. But it has to be done right. None of that boiled crap. I like mine roasted. It is more like a treat when I roast them. Luckily for me they have some benefits to eating … [Read more...]
Only From a True Friend
If you are in your 30's and you have not had a child yet, and have not tried to have a child yet, you might be getting quite a few questions from your friends and family of, "when are you going to start trying?" I have been getting these questions … [Read more...]
Work Out While Watching T.V.
When I was trying to lose weight (read the latest groundbreaking research) for my wedding, I used this little chart at night when I was watching t.v. Sometimes I was just too tired after work to go to the gym, but I felt as though I was still getting … [Read more...]